Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Glacial &Fluvial Lanscapes

Fluvial Landscapes surround the Caucuses Mountains and the city of Sochi. Figure 2, shows dissolved load, the water is clear but has sediments that are in it.This river has a regime of perennial flow, where it flows year round. Figure 1, the V-shaped valley is formed by fluvial erosion. These rivers can help people with water source, and are great for recreation, but they can also harm people in the are. Those who drink it can get sick from the chemicals and sediments carried through it.

Figure 1: the picture above carries bedload in a V-shaped valley.
Figure 2:The basic form of the river shown below is a riffle.
The glacier below is"like a conveyor belt"(Allen, Glacial Forms).The glacial retreat below is moving downhill.
This is an example of a glacial retreat where you can see the darker traces are proof of where more snow had covered the are.
This picture of the Caucasus Mountains above has a Arete erosional form. You can see the "knife like" peaks on the mountains that are separating the glaciers.
In the far back you can see that this has a bowl shaped region, or a cirques. 

Why these mountains have these erosional forms is because loose rock is broken off so that  the bedrock is visible (Allen, Glacial Forms).


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